Just got back from the AES (American Epilepsy Society) Show in Philadelphia. I have to say, I was debating whether or not to go. But now that I'm back, I'm glad I went.
The show floor was full of interesting companies, from epilepsy programs and clinics, to all the big pharma companies, to software companies and book publishers. Most of the software focused on EEG reading software that physicians could use. There were also hundreds of research projects on display that were there for the browsing. Not being a doctor or researcher, I didn't understand half of them! Still, it was nice to see all of the action and research surrounding epilepsy. Personally, looking from the outside in, I've had a tendency to be jaded, thinking that very little was being done for those with epilepsy. But I'm here to tell you that lots of people are working on our behalf. AES definitely proved that.
My seizure diary software, EpiTrax, was well-received by doctors, epilepsy foundation affiliates and researchers alike. All understood the importance of seizure diaries and everyone seemed impressed that we had taken our diary as far as we had. If anything, I came away with a sense that we're headed down the right path.
Philadelphia also turned out to be a great surprise. The downtown was clean and impressive, with lots of historic buildings, restaurants, bar, shops and more. I could easily have spent more time there. My only complaint was the cold. 30-40 degrees. For a California boy, that is cold. Brrrr.
Here are some pics I took with the not-so-fancy camera in my phone:

The show filled up a quarter of the Phili Convention Center.

Beautiful town hall was a block away from my hotel. And yes, I visited the Liberty Bell too.
If any of you live in Seattle, or close, you should try to attend the AES Shownext year. I know it's not a consumer show, but it may give you some insight into what's happening in the world of epilepsy.
Until next time...
I am a newbie to your blog. Do you happen to know when and where the show will be for this year 2009 ?
Hi Ted:
Sorry in getting back to you so late. The show just past. It was in Seattle. The next one will be in Boston, next December. The show is really geared towards doctors, so it was VERY clinical. That said, visit http://www.aesnet.org/go/meetings-and-events/annual-meeting for more info.
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